Plan your visit
We want to help you plan your visit to The Well. Gathering times and address are below. Don’t hesitate to give us a call if we can help you with anything or answer any questions. We look forward to seeing you!
Plan your visit
We want to help you plan your visit to The Well. Gathering times and address are below. Don’t hesitate to give us a call if we can help you with anything or answer any questions. We look forward to seeing you!
Gathering Times
Sunday’s at 10:00 am
1814 West B. Street
Hastings, NE 68901
(402) 705-3680

helpful hints
Where to park
You may park in the parking lot to the East of the church building.
Where to enter the Building
Please use the Main Entrance on the South East side of the building.
First timers
You will be greeted when you enter the building and our friendly hosts will help you find a seat in our sanctuary. Make sure you grab a connect card, fill it out and give it to your host or drop it in the “Give” box in the main hallway and we will follow up with you after your visit.
Sunday Gathering
Our Sunday Gathering lasts 70 – 90 minutes. We open with a welcome and a song of praise from one of our full band music teams and then we transition into a message from the Bible. After the message, we close with a few more songs, communion, prayer and a closing word of encouragement as you go about your day.
Where do my kids go? Kids join us for the opening song and are then dismissed for kid’s church during the message. When the message is over, our kid’s ministry leaders will help your kids find you so they can join you in worship, communion and prayer.
Can my kids just stay with me? Your kids are welcome to stay with you throughout the duration of the Sunday Gathering. Just ask your host/greeter for some activity/coloring supplies and we will supply you with those.
who we are
Other FAQ’s
What should I wear?
Keep it casual or put on your best suit. Either way, as long as you are wearing clothes, you are welcome to join us!
Who should I talk to?
You should definitely make sure you talk to one of our pastoral staff.
Will I have to identify myself or be called out?
No you will not have to identify yourself or be called out.
Am I expected to give money?
You are not expected to give any money as a visitor but you are welcome to if the Lord leads you to.
What about communion?
We serve communion every Sunday at the end of the message. Communion servers will come around and serve the elements. You do not have to be a member to participate but you should be a Christian. It’s ok to wait if you are new to Christianity. We do not want you to feel pressured. If you have more questions about this please reach out to one of our pastoral staff.